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Leading the views of American youth in policy

October 2024, Washington D.C.

We're bringing together young leaders for a three-day long Summit to highlight issues faced by American youth nationwide. Representing their respective state universities, delegates will gather in Washington, D.C. and engage in dialogue with policymakers. This Summit will allow youth to begin designing solutions to the issues that so many face.

When young people have forums to express their solutions, policymakers are better able to design solutions which result in a more stable and prosperous tomorrow. Young people are not just electoral tokens – they face real issues, from housing inaccessibility to criminal justice flaws.

The Centre will be gathering fifty young people, one from each state, who serve as a student body leader within their higher education institute. These young people will subsequently gather in the nation's capital, and with the facilitation of the Centre and its governmental & institutional partners, engage in talks for tangible change.

It's been far too long that young Americans have little to no representation in policies which may ripple out in their lifetimes and beyond. Open forums with continuous inter-generational dialogue is how we begin to fix that.


We're dedicated to ensuring young people have forums to bring forward their issues. That's why we're hoping to create a comprehensive programme in which lawmakers can hear about the issues young people face, and then return to work emboldened by calls for change.



Dialogue in Focus

For the first time, a Youth Summit will be held in the nation's capital, where young people from across the country will work with leaders in all three branches of government to highlight issues and suggest solutions for change.

This forum will gather delegates with members of Congress, executive offices, and third-party special interest groups.


Young people are undoubtedly the future of the nation. But the policy decisions of the United States have not always been in the best interests of the future generation. That's why the American Youth Summit will bridge together a coalition young leaders with leaders in Congress, the White House, think-tanks, and academia to create open forums discussing the change we wish to see in the world.

The Centre works closely with over 250+ Congressional offices to champion youth-based policy in a variety of issues. We organise regular roundtables & forums with different branches of the White House, too. We're elevating our dialogue to a new level by bridging a representation of these United States to those who can make change.


The full agenda will be released closer to the start date.

DAY 1 – Beginning the Conversations

8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Summit Arrival

Delegates will arrive from around the nation throughout the day and be able to explore Washington.

4:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Focus I: Your Issues, Your Voice 

Welcome dinner with speakers from academia, civil society, government, and more. Highlighting initiatives undertaken by certain sponsored delegates. Creating dialogue with representatives from the 50 states and territories to discuss issues faced by the youth with one another. Preparing for conversations with executive & legislative officials.

DAY 2 – Engaging in Forums for Change

9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Focus II: Dialogue with Executive Offices

Conversations with the White House's various offices. Full programme to be released closer to start date.

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM


Intermission between legislative & executive dialogue.

2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Focus III: Dialogue with Legislative Offices

Working with Congressional leaders in the House & Senate to discuss legislative proposals being undertaken to address issues brought up earlier on in the forum. Furthermore, providing feedback and insight to policymakers on solutions which they should create/undertake to enable a more prosperous future for the youth.

5:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Focus IV: Change Beyond Policy

Hearing from institutional partners and changemakers on how young people can inflict change in their lives beyond policy.

DAY 3 – (Y)our Mark on the World

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Focus V: Declarations of the American Youth

Closing public event highlighted by speakers in policy and delegates, reflecting on the long-term impacts of youth engagement.

12:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Summit Departure

Sponsored delegates will be scheduled for departure during this time, following the programme closing. 


We're looking to work with other institutions to support the Summit. Whether you're interested in speaking, making your organisation's name heard, or collaborating with us any other way, email Mr. Arvind SALEM ( Learn more about the event and opportunities for collaboration below.

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